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It wasn't looking good for Sergeant Lynch. He'd been sent by his cowardly teammates to plant a mine hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free under the nose of a Nazi Panzer, there was sand in his boxer shorts and blood hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free his mouth. But they were never going to complete the level with that hunk of metal in the way, and Lieutenant Tarantino's hand had been bitten by some desert bug, rendering him incapable of crawling right up to the tank and laying a deathtrap.

Testicles still lodged in the upper part of his throat, Sergeant Lynch completed his glorious task and shimmied back to his colleagues. The tank's not moving," said Sergeant Faulkner. Bugger, said Lynch. The other sergeant got his sniper rifle out, spat into the sand and aimed at the foot of the tank. Several shots later, the mine lay unexploded and the Panzer was still sitting pretty. Hello, chaps," said Sergeant Whedon, arriving from his infiltration of a nearby warehouse.

Look what I found. Blimey," said Lynch. But who was going to get close enough to stick one up the Hun's backside? Or at least it is when you're not frothing with rage and hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free at a seemingly impossible assignment or a badly timed bug. OK, so you'll have to add in your own pedestrian bits of dialogue, but the between-mission cut-scenes give your soldiers enough of a Boy's Own feel to last you a good while.

And yes, you read right, high difficulty and bugs are still present, though not as rampantly as in the original. This sequel has been in the works for years, so it's a real shame that it's been released in a less than fully polished state: guns and characters floating, soldiers getting stuck in hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free scenery, hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free not being able to shoot and even a crash or two.

Illusion is already hard at work on a patch which may already be out by the time you read thisbut it's surely the publisher who's to blame. Why not wait hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free Christmas to release it, unless it's because Half-Life 2 had been delayed and they spotted a hole in the market? Who knows? It has the same attention to detail and the same gripping firefights, though it looks considerably better and, on some levels, nothing short of stunning.

Once again, you choose a squad of four from a large pool of hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free, each with their own strength, endurance and skills in shooting, stealth, first aid and lock picking.

A very nice touch, so simple yet rarely used by developers, is that you can rename your SAS members hence my crack team of film directors and novelists. This, coupled with hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free way their stats improve after each mission, lets you get close to your team and feel their death as a real loss.

And sometimes you will have to make sacrifices. Because most missions are so tough and because you only hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free one save slot which you can overwrite whenever you likeyou may find that your 14th attempt is successful, but that hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free best medic is a bloody corpse.

Not that you can afford to lose too many men. Your group of four has to last for the duration of each campaign before you can bring in new faces. While hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free will die a lot and swear your lungs out more, even the most difficult situations can usually be solved by clever and tactical thinking.

Illusion never resorts to making the enemies infallible or outrageously numbered. The one exception is a mission in which you have to cross the desert. There are planes flying above ready to shoot you down if you get out of your jeep, and halfway through the path from which you can't stray due to the numerous mines outside it you encounter a tank that chases you as you try to backtrack and blows you to hell.

Finding missiles and then managing to get close enough to fire at the tank without it seeing you first nowhere to hide in a desert or the planes mowing you down, is exasperating beyond words. And then one of my men would decide to waste a precious missile firing at a plane and I would have to start again.

As you may have guessed, the Al is not without hitches. A lot of the time your team does exactly what you tell them to follow, attack, hold position, lay down covering fire etcoften sees and kills enemies before you know what's going on and even tells you when you're in their line of fire.

Other times they'll shoot when you've told them not to or walk when you want them to run. The enemy can be erratic too. Sometimes they act completely human, missing the target if startled, retreating and surrendering.

Other times they fail to hear gunfire or can home in on your head through thick vegetation. No doubt some of these issues are bugs, and will hopefully be sorted soon. To help you cope with some of the harder missions, you can bring up a top-down 3D RTS display, where you can set waypoints, stance and speed.

It's sometimes hard to get them to do exactly what you had in mind though, and I would have hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free more options, like covering a particular area. Others will make more use of this screen than me. I preferred to scout ahead with my sniper and then bring the rest over when needed, only occasionally using the tactical display to outflank enemies. You can actually play through the whole game in Lone Wolf mode but, as you can imagine, the difficulty is multiplied.

It does add to the incredible variety on offer though. The environments are startlingly different, from the stark African dunes to dense Burmese jungles so, so much better than Vietcong'sfrom beautiful icebergs to awe-inspiring Austrian hills. These are so beautiful in fact, that the Austrian tourist board might want to use them for promotional purposes.

Though they might want to edit out the bloodthirsty Nazis. The gameplay is just as varied: stealth missions, full-on assaults, scuba-diving and even a great defend-the-oasis-fortress-in-the-desert level. And each requires a very different tactical approach. The hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free to realism draws you in completely until one of those bugs comes alongwith weight restrictions, scope drift, and the ability to shoot through canvas or wooden walls.

You also get out of breath if you run too much. As if I didn't get enough of that in real life. Donning a disguise is just as realistic: the uniform has to be taken from a surrendered soldier so there's no hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free or blood stains. All exposed weaponry has to be bona fide too although the Al's talent for spotting non-Nazi behaviour or a non-issue knife is a little over the top.

Multiplayer looks great too Illusion promises it's less buggy and some of the maps could offer truly classic online moments. We'll have to wait until the servers are up and running to test them fully though, something we'll be doing in a future issue. There won't be any vehicles online, which are so much fun in singleplayer, because apparently they'd end up unbalancing these maps. You already have Battlefield for that anyway. If that had happened, and the tactical screen had proved more useful, we'd be looking at a full-on classic.

It's still a must for anyone looking for a real challenge though. This time around however, to give the game a focus, players will have a central character, Gary Bristol, who you must keep alive until the final showdown.

It goes without saying that new weapons and vehicles will make it into the game, but after seeing it in action back in May, what impressed us most apart from the detailed graphicswas the excellent Al. This has German soldiers reacting on sight and sound, and even working co-operatively on a level not seen since Half-Life. Guards will patrol the perimeter of a base, but if their superiors are out of sight, they might sneak off to have a fag among the sandbags.

This is what will make the game fun to play. You can hardly blame me; watching someone crawl through gorse bushes on their belly, waiting while Nazi patrols edge painfully towards your prone squad members Starting out inyou begin your mission behind enemy lines in Nazi-occupied Norway before heading to the extreme climate of the North African desert to combat Italian and German troops. Interestingly, you don't get to infiltrate Fortress Europe proper until you're well entrenched into the second half of the game, by which time you will have taken on Imperial Japanese forces in Burma and rescued a fancy typewriter from a stricken Nazi battleship.

Gameplay-wise very little has changed. From a pool of around 30 dedicated troops, you can pick up to four soldiers for each mission, only one of which can be directly controlled at any single time. The others you order around via traditional keyboard shortcuts or through the new tactical overview. Whereas the 3D map in the first game was unintuitive to the point of being useless, this time your troops are as easy to direct from above as in a simple RTS. Drop waypoints, fix combat stances, set movement speeds and awareness levels and then watch the level play itself out before jumping in and taking over when it all goes tits up.

As in the original game, you must equip your troops before marching off to war. For those of us without the patience to pore over the penetration values of a Mk II Sten over an M1 Garand, the developers have added an auto-assign system that distributes the best weapons and equipment hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free those who can make best use of it.

The arsenal of pistols, rifles, sub-machine guns and other ancillary equipment is exhaustive, and includes the small arms of Russia, Germany, Italy and Japan, as well as the Western Allies. Unfortunately, there is no flamethrower as was mooted some time agowhich isn't perhaps such a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but still a little disappointing. Squeeze your entire squad into a LRDG Jeep and watch as your boys struggle to shoot at pursuers, swaying to and fro as they bound across the dunes.

One of the features that strikes you when you first play the game is the incredibly detailed animations of your soldiers. By switching to a third-person view you can witness your troops crawl, stalk, run, lean and roll about the terrain in the most convincing manner. As with the original, you can shoot from the hip or aim down the sights, adding immeasurably to the sense of realism and immersion. Bigger and better than its hidden and dangerous 2 pc game download free in every way, with more missions, added equipment, a substantially improved interface and, of course, a new 3D engine.

Our only concerns lie with the stability of the final game and the Al of the enemy. There wasn't much evidence of any of those dynamic co-ordinated attacks we've been promised, but then it's still early code. But this sequel has its sights set higher and, given due attention, we're confident it will eclipse its awardwinning predecessor in every way.

Best get some rest now while you can. At times it's harder than a concrete donkey, but addictive enough that you won't care. There's a huge variety of challenges and levels too, and the top-down RTS mode can be useful for planning your attack.

True, for combat and a much-lacked co-op mode, Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter is by far the superior experience. However, if you like a little strategy in your war, you can't go wrong for a tenner. Illusion has indicated it's likely to be part of the forthcoming expansion pack. The excellent single-player campaign is tailor-made for team work, after all. For now, though, we have to content ourselves with three online modes: Deathmatch, Occupation and Objectives.

The first, Deathmatch, is self-evident. The second, Occupation, is a territory control mode you'll be familiar with from Battlefieldamong others. And the third, Objectives, adds a touch of the Counter-Strikes, by giving each team specific goals, such as retrieving documents, eliminating VIPs and the like. The maps are fantastic most of them taken from the campaignand the engine lends itself to some very satisfying action, making us wish more than ever that Mafia had included a multiplayer option.

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